Banned: Leeds United fan who sang offensive songs on way home from match

A Leeds United fan arrested for being drunk and disorderly after singing loud and offensive songs on a busy train home from a match has been banned from the club's games for three years.

Karl Dale, 19, was part of a group of fans returning on a Metro train from the Sunderland vs Leeds United match on 19 August, according to British Transport Police.

As the train travelled between the Stadium of Light and Fellgate station, Dale chanted loud and offensive songs and swore. When he was asked to stop by officers on the train he became abusive.

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Dale was told to leave the train but when he refused, he hurled more abuse and then began swinging his arms at officers, at which point was arrested for being drunk and disorderly.

Dale, of Woodside Drive, in Morley pleaded guilty and was sentenced at South Tyneside Magistrates’ Court September 26. Details of the case were only released by British Transport Police today. He was handed a £167 fine and ordered to pay a £30 vic